Hey Beauty,
Please see the resources and free products below. Enjoy and I hope you find some wisdom and awareness in the resources below. The more you know, the more you know!
Journalling Pages

This free resource provides you with Journal pages that go with Self-Healing Cards and Self-Healing Cards Companion & Journal Questions. A place to write down your thoughts and feelings about which card you have pulled. At the end of the year you can go through the thoughts and feelings you have bought to your awareness for the year and see how you have progressed and grown what has empowered you and what has disempowered or still unsettles you.
Click here to download Self-Healing Cards Journal Pages
Life Assessment

This resource takes you through exactly that! A quick snapshot of where your life is currently at. It helps you to consider where things are and aren’t working in your life. You can reflect on what you want out of it. Life assessment contains: Wheel of Life Assessment, Wheel of Life, Reflection Questions, working out what’s stopping you and meeting your needs.
Click here to download Life Assessment (PDF)

VIA Character Strengths takes you through a 10-minute survey that guides you on your key character strengths and virtues. Knowing your character strengths can help to increase happiness and well-being, find meaning, help your relationships, manage stress and accomplish goals. you can purchase your mindfulness and character strengths report for $15 usd. This shows a more in-depth look at your strengths and what activities you can use to help enhance these. (Full disclosure: I do not get any money out of this.) I love knowing about myself and is one of the tools that helped me to get to know me better. Personality Test, Personality Assessment: VIA Survey | VIA Institute (viacharacter.org

Discover your Primary Blueprint Type. This quick quiz of 10 questions help you discover how you are erotically wired. How you most like to receive sexual pleasure. This shows you what elements to add to your sexual life, to help you gain the most out of and the easiest path to arousal, intimacy and orgasm. Basically put, learn what turns you on and what turns you off. Something everyone should know to have happy and fulfilling sex life. This quiz is free: Quickie Quiz – Blueprint Breakthrough Quiz If you want a deeper dive, with a more in-depth report, you can also opt to pay $17 usd through this link: https://theblueprintbreakthrough.com/