Therapeutic Art Journalling
Saturday 16th November 2-4pm
(The Shedding, Corner Fraser St and, Cypress St, Torquay)
A safe space for you to express yourself, using drawing as a way to express the parts of you that aren’t easy to express with words, or may have been suppressed, through not being allowed to express your thoughts and feelings. This is not about art as such, more about using drawing and writing to facilitate and express what you are going through or have been through. This is particularly helpful if you don’t have words to describe it. I provide you with a space to draw, paint, write and colour your way through a chosen topic. Each session is different, using an area of your life to draw from, to work through something in your life that has not been expressed. This is a space just for you, to journal with art and writing that helps you use imagery and mindfulness to move through, the things that are in your body that has not been processed, in a gentle and calm way.

Therapeutic Art Journalling
Sunday 8th December 10am-12pm
(The Shedding, Corner Fraser St and, Cypress St, Torquay)
A safe space for you to express yourself, using drawing as a way to express the parts of you that aren’t easy to express with words, or may have been suppressed, through not being allowed to express your thoughts and feelings. This is not about art as such, more about using drawing and writing to facilitate and express what you are going through or have been through. This is particularly helpful if you don’t have words to describe it. I provide you with a space to draw, paint, write and colour your way through a chosen topic. Each session is different, using an area of your life to draw from, to work through something in your life that has not been expressed. This is a space just for you, to journal with art and writing that helps you use imagery and mindfulness to move through, the things that are in your body that has not been processed, in a gentle and calm way.

Coming Soon ……

Self Care Tool kit
What are the things you do to take care of yourself. Are they for you or are they things you do because someone, somewhere said you should? What does self care mean to you? Do you give yourself time to take care of your needs? What are your needs? In this self care tool kit we will delve into these topics, as well as looking at ways to take care of yourself, learn your needs, and unpack why you don’t honour yourself and your needs. What do you need to love yourself more. Learn how to balance all of your responsibilities when you are not feeling at your best.

Learn about your boundaries, where you begin and others end. The parts of you that you give to others and how you come back to yourself to create your own bubble where it is safe to just be you. Learn how to safe guard and repair your boundaries. How to set your boundaries, ask for what you need and be firm in who you are. Strong boundaries are a must to feel empowered, to be treated how you deserve and be able to stand up for yourself and be clear on your expectations whenever you need.

People Pleasing
We can be so deeply conditioned to please, to have others like us, and be liked by them. Essentially we give ourselves away to others, we give our power away and aren’t strong in our bodies. Learn how to trust yourself and be strong in your own identity. Let go of others beliefs, and what they want from you. Learn what you want for yourself instead, let go of how others want you to be and honour yourself and your own body. How does your body feel when you give away your power to please others. How would it feel to embrace your own power instead of having to control how others react?

Inner Critic
Learn how to silence the most mean, nasty and critical voice …. your own!
Silence the negative, harsh and judgmental monkey mind. Ssshhh the voice that compares you to others and lets you know that you are not good enough. Learn how to quieten the mind chatter and embrace instead your positive inner qualities.

Narc and the Empath
Learn about the attraction between two seemingly different signs of a relationship dynamic. Learn about the law of attraction, how to move through the lessons of the past so you can create the type of relationship that you want for yourself.

Release Party
I ceremonial party of sorts to help you release whatever you want to let go of. A safe space to let go of patterns, beliefs, behaviours, thoughts , emotions and learn body awareness. A release party is about clearing space symbolically and letting go of the stories, relationships, dreams and expectations that are no longer working in your life. There is no right or wrong to release and let go what no longer serves, through imaginary, Visualisation, art, journaling or fire to say goodbye to an aspect of yourself that is no longer valuable, working or needed in your life. We release what no longer serves us so we can find strength, celebrate the past, let go of the stories/beliefs that have influenced us, this helps to set us free and create space to invite in the beginning of something new! Held each quarter.