Welcome Home Beauty…

I help WOMEN JUST LIKE YOU, release the heavy shadow that is held inside, from past experiences, that are holding you locked in anxiety, worry, uncertainty, fear, pain or suffering, so you can move forward to Be All You Can Be. Supporting women to express what needs to be heard, understand the known and unknown parts of self, to make meaning of where you have been and what you have experienced. This enables healing, resolves inner conflict and allows a new vision or version of yourself, whatever that looks like to you, emerge.

If you don’t how you feel, or don’t know how to express what you are feeling inside of yourself, working with Be Everything Therapies can help you explore what is going on within you to understand the emotions that are trapped within your body and your psyche. It is really so freeing to be able to not only understand, but to let go and release what is being carried around.  Freeing yourself from the pain and trauma/stress lodged within.

At Be Everything Therapies, our mission is to support women in self-expression to make meaning of where they have been and what they have experienced to enable healing. We believe that everyone has the potential to live a brilliant life.  By allowing your ‘light to lead’ you on your way, to releasing what has happened to you and allowing you to live free from the past, to make healthy life decisions and become all you can be, living your truth in authenticity and accepting all parts of yourself. We help you to let go of whatever is holding you back, showing you ways to navigate life’s storms, by bringing you back from feeling down and diminished by life’s challenges and switching to make sense of and understand your emotions to the experiences you have lived.  We hold space to connect women to their true selves, working with and releasing emotional patterns, using the body’s own intelligence and its symbolism, to heal the past and become full in who they are.  Living an embodied life in alignment with your own expression.

Beauty is being empowered in your own expression:

  • Having inner confidence and inner belief
  • Breaking free from negative thinking and believing the old paradigms, stories and messages others have told you about yourself and your situation.  You and you alone know what is best for you.
  • Being adaptable to change
  • Expressing your true feelings, your true colours and being able to celebrate ALL of who you are. 
  • Accepting all parts of you
  • Identifying the ways in which you have protected yourself, from the external experiences that created the internal ideas, stories,  beliefs, patterns and emotions that keep you feeling stuck and preventing you from living life that you want.

We hold the stories of our past, trapped within our bodies and cells.  This comes out in our everyday lives as stress, anxiety, stuck-ness, depression, resistance, avoidance or sadness.  When we tap into our own inner wisdom, our inner healer, we can begin to unravel the fear and stuck energy that we have held onto. Our psyche knows what we need, when we need it and the order we need it in. This is the wisdom we hold within us. At Be Everything Therapies, we help you tap into and guiding your inner personas (parts of self) to step forward and express what needs to be seen and heard.  This then resolves the inner conflicts, allowing you to release what you no longer need. 

Imagine what your life would be like if you were no longer held back by your unresolved fears, stresses and unloved parts of self.  Tapping into your own inner wisdom, you can unlock the frozen parts of yourself and learn to embrace your self-worth, self-love and care for all parts of you.   

Hi I’m Tanya…

I do what I do because, through my own life experiences, I have cleared away the shadow I felt inside myself. I had my own therapy, attended women’s groups, have been on retreats, had others hold space for me and learnt what works best for me. My aim is to support you, on your own journey to self liberation, so you to can find what best works for you, resolving the inner conflicts and make friends with the critical parts of you. This allows you to feel at peace with yourself and your life experiences so far, creating a new vision of who you are and want to be. So you can Be Everything, everything you dream of, everything you are!

Working with Tanya …

Counselling: I work a little differently to some other counsellors. Whilst I utilise talk therapy, I also use expressive therapies, which may find you drawing, journaling, writing, playing with clay, using music, photography, dance or symbols to help you express what you want to say.  This for some people (myself included) helps to move through things quicker than talking alone. Using expressive therapies accesses a different part of the brain and psyche, helping you to express, become aware of and resolve the parts of yourself that you do not know how to put into words.

Counselling can relieve your stress, improve your coping abilities, and raise your awareness to help you understand yourself. Counselling provides a safe space to talk to someone non-judgementally, help you resolve and make friends with your emotions and the things that have occurred in your life. Whether this is traumatic experience or a situation that requires some further exploration or to learn to communicate and understand your own needs and wants. In a nutshell counselling helps you to work through the stuff that has happened to you. 

Coaching: helps you to reach your potential, creating self-awareness and redefining your self-belief system, giving you skills to live your best life.

Therapeutic Art Journalling: Using an art journal to work through the “stuff” in your life and grow through self-awareness and self-discovery.  Journal your thoughts and emotions, you do not know how to express with words, by using mindful imagery, drawing and journalling with colours, lines and symbols, to clear away the debris your life has accumulated so far. Discover the hidden meaning and unknown parts of yourself that is unknown and unseen. This can often be the missing piece of the healing puzzle. Art therapy can show you the unseen (unconscious) parts of yourself, once they are seen, felt and heard, the hold and blocked energy is released and your body can release and relax and come back to their whole selves. If you want to know more check out Therapeutic Art Journalling.

Joining a Program: I have a number of different programs on offer, to find out what and how I can help, check out my online programs.